CDDO is growing Government Digital & Data graduate talent
Hear from two Graduate Talent Managers on how they are growing digital and data talent cross-government, through internships and graduate programmes.
Hear from two Graduate Talent Managers on how they are growing digital and data talent cross-government, through internships and graduate programmes.
The Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) showcase their Spotlight webinars, where experienced practitioners share their insights, experience and expertise with those not working in digital, data or technology roles.
The Capability Framework articulates standards of capability in digital, data and technology roles. It was originally developed in 2017 and now updated beta version has been launched. Read about what's been changed, the user research behind the changes and other planned developments.
Awareness months at their core are about bringing global attention to important social issues, not only celebrating people in specific communities, but showing that they deserve a fair and equal place in the world.
This post explores how HMRC is using robots to encourage school girls in the North East of England to think about coding and to develop their STEM or related skills.
Learn how we scaled learning for the content community and why we started doing online lunch and learns.
Find out how we built our Introduction to Product Management course online remotely, and how it performed.
Since March GDS has been leading a cross-government effort to co-create a new framework for digital wellbeing. Fiona James details what work has been taking place.
After being established for a year, the Muslims at GDS community found a way to celebrate Ramadan and involve the wider GDS community. Colleagues reflect on their remote participation in a fast-a-thon.
If you want to increase the chances of your service passing a Digital by Default Service Standard assessment, then make sure you have a service manager who has been on the Induction Programme at GDS.