Digital People: Fajer Qasem, Product Manager at GDS

In our new Digital People series, we offer an insight into the working lives of people within digital, data and technology roles across government.
In our new Digital People series, we offer an insight into the working lives of people within digital, data and technology roles across government.
Applications for the Digital and Technology (DaT) Fast Stream are open until 30 November 2016. Rachael Harvey, 2nd year DaT fast streamer tells how the Fast Stream has accelerated her career progression.
Applications for the Digital and Technology (DaT) Fast Stream 2017 open today. Katherine O’Doherty, 2nd year DaT fast streamer tells about new ways of working and life she has experienced through the Fast Stream.
Ask someone what they think working in government might be like, and you’ll sometimes get answers like this: it will be out of date, detached from reality, officious, cumbersome. Those are Yes, Minister-era stereotypes that simply don't apply anymore. Government …
Continuing our series of blogs by current Digital and Technology (DaT) fast streamers, Colin Pattinson writes about his first year experience and how the Fast Stream scheme has lived up to his expectations so far.
The Recruitment and Skills team recently passed its target of 150 service managers completing the induction programme at GDS.
Today is launch day…. A big day in advancing specialist digital and technology skills across the UK government.
Before we publish the GDS digital and technology skills matrix on GOV.UK, it’s really important to make sure our users can access all the information they need.
Effective recruitment, selection, and induction are crucial to running a successful organisation. Hi, I'm ZeShaan and I lead on the recruitment process transformation and recruitment delivery for GDS. I'm often...